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SAP Mass Extractor
You do not have to download your custom code manually; Security Reviewer will help you with Mass Extractor tool, a program that recursively searches for code, metadata, documentation and data dictionary objects and then downloads them in either text (.abap) or HTML format for easy offline browsing and incorporation into technical documentation. Mass Extractor program can download customer code at the push of a button to your local workstation or your system’s NFS. You don’t even need to provide the exact name of the program or object you want to download as you are able to filter objects by author as well.
Mass Extractor is a secured version of ZDTP_MASSDOWNLOAD, an open source designed by DaleTech around a super-fast source code scanner capable of finding as many items as possible of code, metadata, text and documentation needed to successfully download pieces of work for off-line viewing. And if that wasn't enough, we give you the option of downloading in plain ASCII text (.abap suffixed) or in hyperlinked HTML format.
Mass Extractor Source Code is available to invoiced customers only, for security reasons.
ABAP git
Security Reviewer support scanning code directly from a git-compatible repo, anapGit Community and SAP versions included. abapGit is a tool to import and export code between ABAP systems. If a developer has a developer key to the system, the developer can perform these actions already. abapGit enables the developer to do mass export/changes/imports but not more than already possible to do manually. It can be used from SAP GUI, from Browser or directly from Static Reviewer Desktop, choosing Analysis Type as Repository.
BAPI and IDoc