Versions Compared


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Team Reviewer provides an effective vulnerability discovery , management & tracking, by continuously identifying threats, monitoring changes in your networkapps, discovering and mapping all your devices and software — including new, unauthorized and forgotten ones —, and reviewing configuration details for each asset.

Team Reviewer is a safety plan in addition to vulnerability management tool. It allows y'all to deal your application safety program, hold production in addition to application information, schedule scans, triage vulnerabilities in addition to force findings into defect trackers. Consolidate your findings into source of truth amongst Team Reviewer.


Team Reviewer has the ability to maintain its own repository of internally managed discovered vulnerabilities (findings). The private repository behaves identical to other sources of vulnerability intelligence such as the OSS Index, VulnDB, NVD, etc.


FPF’s are json files and have the following sections:






The Finding Packaging Format document version



Describes the Dependency-Track instance that created the file



The project the findings are associated with



An array of zero or more findings


We adopted a unified tool output reporting format, called the SWAMP Common Assessment Results Format (SCARF). This format makes it much easier for a tool results viewer to display the output from a given tool. As a result, we have fostered interoperability
among commercial and open source tools. The SCARF framework includes open source libraries in a variety of languages to produce SCARF and process SCARF. In addition, we have produced open source result parsers that translate the output of all the SCARF-based tools to SCARF. We continue to work towards tool interoperability standards by joining the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) Technical Committee. As a participating member, we contribute to creating a standardized, open source static analysis tool format to be adopted by all static analysis tool developers.

You can use SCARF Framework yourself using the libraries:

Available libraries




reader writer

reader writer


reader writer

reader writer


reader writer

reader writer




We are also compliant to OASIS SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format). Some SDK are available:


They are Logging and Auditing file formats and are extensible, text-based formats designed to support multiple device types by offering the most relevant information.

CEF Field Definitions




An integer that identifies the version of the CEF format. This information is used to determine what the following fields represent.

Example: 0

Device Vendor Device Product Device Version

Strings that uniquely identify the type of sending device. No two products Dec use the same device-vendor and device-product pair, although there is no central authority that manages these pairs. Be sure to assign unique name pairs.

Example: JATP|Cortex|

Signature ID/ Event Class ID

A unique identifier in CEF format that identifies the event-type. This can be a string or an integer. The Event Class ID identifies the type of event reported.

Example (one of these types):

http |email| cnc| submission| exploit| datatheft

Malware Name

A string indicating the malware name.


Severity/Incident Risk Mapping

An integer that reflects the severity of the event. For the Juniper ATP Appliance CEF, the severity value is an incident risk mapping range from 0-10

Example: 9.

External ID

The Juniper ATP Appliance incident number.

Example: externalId=1003

Event ID

The Juniper ATP Appliance Event ID number.

Example: eventId=13405


A collection of key-value pairs; the keys are part of a predefined set. An event can contain any number of key- value pairs in any order, separated by spaces.

Note: Review the definitions for these extension field labels provided in the section: CEF Extension Field Key=Value Pair Definitions.

LEEF also has predefined attributes.
