With Dynamic Reviewer Safe-PenTest module, you can inspect your Web Application, REST API, SOAP Services, App Engines and Micro-Services during running, directly using your Browser, in non-invasive way.
You can import third-party results from Security Scanners, Host Scanners and Proof-of-Exploits tools. Their results will be correlated automatically and a unified Enterprise Report is generated.
Dynamic Reviewer DAST provides a robust and stable framework for Web Application Security Testing, suitable for all Security Analysts, QA and Developers with False Positives and False Negatives support, offering an easy-to-use Web GUI, Advanced Scan and Enterprise Reporting capabilities.
Dynamic Reviewer is Powered By the following open source tools:
CycloneDX (SBOM)
p0f, DataSploit (Fingerprinting)
pWeb, Enlightn, Magescan, Droopescan, Joomscan, Typo3scan(Wordpress, Laravel, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, TYPO3, and other PHP CMS Discovery)
wXf, SearchSploit (Ready-to-use Web Exploits)
DirBuster (SiteMap)
OSVDB, NVD, GHSA, RUSTSEC, PYUP, ALPINE, Exploit-DB (Vulnerability Databases)
retireJS (Outdated and vulnerable JavaScript and TypeScript 3rd-party libraries detection)
0d1n (Login brute-force)
John The Ripper (Password recovery and cracking)
Wfuzz, WebFormFuzzer, SQLInjectionFuzzer, FuzzAPI (Web Application and REST API Fuzzers)
SQLMap (SQL Injection and DB takeover)
Selenium (WebDrivers for Crawling)
Postman (API support)
All vulnerabilities resulting from the above OSS tools, will be collected and correlated and included in the Dynamic Reviewer results.