Security Reviewer provides a Cloud version of the following products:

Our products in Cloud will be faster than on your premise!

Your source code never leave your infrastructure.

We load your application structure in our patented Dynamic Syntax Tree and, even such Tree is not reversible (you cannot obtain source or even pseudo code from that tree), it will further AES-512 encrypted before sending to the server.

The same encryption is used for interchanging results and reports between client and server, and vice-versa.

Two locations, one quality

With every service you launch with us, you have the choice of two locations: from Strasbourg in France or St. Louis in USA. But No matter which location you opt for, both data centers are highly-modern and guarantee the best protection of your data through comprehensive security concepts - including early fire detection, 24/7 controls by personnel and cameras, tight access restrictions and much more. We host our servers directly with data center’s owner.

European DataDock in Strasbourg

DataDock has been in planning since 2007 and first became operational in 2010. The primary aim was a certain energy efficiency, to reduce both environmental impact and also operating costs. With the integration of a unique well-cooling into the data center concept, energy consumption at DataDock can be kept so low that it has been acclaimed the greenest data center in Europe.

US DataPort in St. Louis, MO

The data center in St. Louis became operational in 2013 and is currently considered one of the most modern data centers worldwide. It stands out particularly for its strategically optimal location in the heart of the USA, has connectivity to all major carriers and sits directly on the main artery of the American network.