Security Reviewer suite provides an Application Performance Monitor solution named Dynamic Reviewer APM.

APM is an additional module of Dynamic Reviewer (to be purchased separately) providing software monitoring services and applications in real time — collect detailed performance information on response time for incoming requests, database queries, calls to caches, external HTTP requests, and more. This makes it easy to pinpoint and fix performance problems quickly. APM is based on Apache SkyWalking tecnhology and requires maximum 3% of 1 core CPU.

Respect than SkyWalking, it adds a number of languages metrics, new kind of distributed Agents and integration with Security Reviewer Suite. Further SkyWalking original code has been secured after a Static Reviewer analysis.

It is offered as a SkyWalking 3rd-party instrument library.

In multi-language, continuously deployed environments, cloud native infrastructures grow more powerful but also more complex. APM’s service mesh receiver allows APM to receive telemetry data from service mesh frameworks such as Istio/Envoy and Linkerd, allowing users to understand the entire distributed system.

APM provides observability capabilities for service(s), service instance(s), endpoint(s). The terms Service, Instance and Endpoint are used everywhere today, so it is worth defining their specific meanings in the context of APM/SkyWalking:

APM/SkyWalking allows users to understand the topology relationship between Services and Endpoints, to view the metrics of every Service/Service Instance/Endpoint and to set alarm rules.

APM/SkyWalking introduces the new core concept Layer. A layer represents an abstract framework in computer science, such as Operating System(OS_LINUX layer), Kubernetes(k8s layer). All detected instances belong to a layer to represent the running environment of this instance, the service would have one or multiple layer definitions according to its instances.

In addition, you can integrate

  1. Other distributed tracing using APM/SkyWalking native agents and SDKs with Zipkin, Jaeger and OpenCensus.

  2. Other metrics systems, such as Prometheus, Sleuth(Micrometer), OpenTelemetry.

Tracing, metrics and logging

Service Mesh ready

Errors and Exceptions

Dynamic Reviewer's APM also automatically collects unhandled errors and exceptions. Errors are grouped based primarily on the stackTrace, so you can identify new errors as they appear and keep an eye on how many times specific errors happen.

Supported Language Metrics

Metrics are another important source of information when debugging production systems. APM agents automatically pick up basic host-level metrics and agent specific metrics, like Node.js, Vue.js, React, Angular, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, Scala, Kotlin, ClojureC/C++, GO, .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, LUA, Rust.

Lightweight and modular

No big data stack. Adopt to different scale by configuring which modules to include.

Alarms support

Built-in webhooks support for automatically sending out event notifications via HTTP, gRPC, Slack, and more.

Alarm Rules are constituted by following keys

The settings of labels is required by meter-system which intends to store metrics from label-system platform, just like Prometheus, Micrometer, etc. The function supports the above four settings should implement LabeledValueHolder.

Visualization that speaks

Built-in data visualization that gets your team started. Your can further customize it or integrate your own.

Pluggable storage

APM supports a wide range of backend storage solutions, and they are pluggable.


APM agents provide little extra load for target services.

Our tool is listed in Guru99 web site.