Team Reviewer provides an effective vulnerability discovery, management & tracking, by continuously identifying threats, monitoring changes in your network, discovering and mapping all your devices and software — including new, unauthorized and forgotten ones —, and reviewing configuration details for each asset.

Team Reviewer is a safety plan in addition to vulnerability management tool. It allows y'all to deal your application safety program, hold production in addition to application information, schedule scans, triage vulnerabilities in addition to force findings into defect trackers. Consolidate your findings into source of truth amongst Team Reviewer.

Central Repository

Team Reviewer has the ability to maintain its own repository of internally managed vulnerabilities (findings). The private repository behaves identical to other sources of vulnerability intelligence such as the OSS Index, VulnDB, NVD, etc.

This repository can be stored to MySQL, MariaDB, PostGres or Oracle (RAC included) DMBS, or to a Managed database service (AWS RDS).

There are three primary use cases for the private vulnerability repository.

Vulnerabilities tracked in the private vulnerability repository have a source of ‘INTERNAL’. Like all vulnerabilities in the system, a unique VulnID is required to help uniquely identify each one. It’s recommended that organizations follow patterns to help identify the source. For example, vulnerabilities in the NVD all start with ‘CVE-‘. Likewise an organization tracking their own may opt to use something like ‘ACME-‘ or ‘INT-‘ or use multiple qualifiers depending on the type of vulnerability. The only requirement is that the VulnID is unique to the INTERNAL source.

Web App

Team Reviewer provides a unified interface for accessing all our tools, part of Security Reviewer Suite:

Team Reviewer provides Scalability through NGINX/UWSGI and Django as native application.

See Team Reviewer’s Integration Checklist.

Enhanced Features

Team Reviewer is 100% Web GUI app, based on OWASP Defect Dojo with a lot of enhancements:


Team Reviewer stores reports generated with:

Further, you can create your own custom reports by using Team Reviewer Report Generator.

Team Reviewer custom reports can be generated in Word, Excel, XML, HTML, and AsciiDoc. If you need different formats, open the Word reports and choose Save As…

Reports can be generated for:

  1. Groups of Products

  2. Individual Products

  3. Endpoints

  4. Product Types

  5. Custom Reports

Filtering is available on all Report Generation views to aid in focusing the report for the appropriate need.

Custom reports allow you to select specific components to be added to the report. These include:

  1. Cover Page

  2. Table of Contents

  3. WYSIWYG Content

  4. Findings List

  5. Endpoint List

  6. Page Breaks

The custom report workflow takes advantage of the same asynchronous process described above


Team Reviewer can inform you of different events in a variety of ways. You can be notified about things like an upcoming engagement, when someone mentions you in a comment, a scheduled report has finished generating, and more.

The following notification methods currently exist: - Email - Slack - HipChat - WebHook or Alerts within Team Reviewer

You can set these notifications on a system scope (if you have administrator rights) or on a personal scope. For instance, an administrator might want notifications of all upcoming engagements sent to a certain Slack channel, whereas an individual user wants email notifications to be sent to the user’s specified email address when a report has finished generating.

In order to identify and notify you about things like upcoming engagements, Team Reviewer runs scheduled tasks for this purpose. 

Attached Documents

Products, Engagements and Tests permit to attach one or more documents, like Requirements docs, Project Docs, Evidences, Certifications, Risk Acceptances and any correlated docs you need.

It accepts PDF, Word, Excel and Images file formats.

Security Reviewer’s Security, Deadcode-Best Practices, Resilience and SQALE reports are uploaded as Engagement’s Attached Documents to Team Reviewer using REST APIs.

Results Correlation

Team Reviewer can import and correlate results from the following tools:

Team Reviewer can export correlated results to the following tools:

See our EcoSystem.

Team Reviewer can access to Firmware Reviewer using Single Sign On.

Authentication via LDAP/AD

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an Internet protocol that web applications can use to look up information about those users and groups from the LDAP server. You can connect the Team Reviewer to an LDAP directory for authentication, user and group management. Connecting to an LDAP directory server is useful if user groups are stored in a corporate directory. Synchronization with LDAP allows the automatic creation, update and deletion of users and groups in Team Reviewer according to any changes being made in the LDAP directory.


Team Reviewer attempts to simplify how users interact with the system by minimizing the number of objects it defines. The definition for each as well as sample usages is below.


Any application, project, program, or product that you are currently analyzing.


Engagements are moments in time when testing is taking place, aka as Audit. They are associated with a name for easy reference, a time line, a lead (the user account of the main person conducting the testing), a test strategy, and a status.

Engagement consists of two types: Interactive and CI/CD.

An interactive engagement is typically an engagement conducted by an engineer, where findings are usually uploaded by the engineer.

A CI/CD engagement, as it’s name suggests, is for automated integration with a CI/CD pipeline

Each Engagement can include several Tests.

You can view the Test Strategy or Threat Model, modify the Engagement dates, view Tests and Findings, add Risk Acceptance, complete the security Check List, or close the Engagement.

Engagements are linked to a time line in the Calendar.

Engagement Survey

Engagement Survey extends Engagement records by incorporating survey(s) associated with each engagement to help develop a test strategy.

The default questions within these surveys have been created by the Rackspace Security Engineering team to help identify the attack vectors and risks associated with the product being assessed.

GDPR, Static Analysis and Dynamic Analysis customizable Surveys are also available.


A finding represents a flaw discovered while testing. It can be categorized with severities of Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Informational (Info).

Each Finding get a Unique ID and a Status.

Findings are the defects or interesting things that you want to keep track of when testing a Product during a Test/Engagement. Here, you can lay out the details of what went wrong, where you found it, what the impact is, and your proposed steps for mitigation.

You can Force, if authorized, the Status, Severity, Risk Level. This operation will be tracked in a special log and can be viewed by authorized users.

You can Filter by: ID, Application, Severity, Finding Name, Date range, SLA, Auditor (Reporter, Found By), Status, Risk Level, N. of Vulnerabilities.

You can also Reference CWEs, or add links to your own references. (External Documentation Links included).

Templating findings allows you to create a version of a finding descriptor that you can then re-use over and over again, on any Engagement.

False Positive

Templates can be used across all Engagements. Define what kind of Finding this is. Is it a false positive? If you want to save this finding as a template, check the “Is template” box.

Findings cannot always be remediated or addressed for various reasons.

A Finding Status can change to accepted by doing the following. Findings are accepted in the engagement view.

You fill in the details to support the risk acceptance.

Product Types

Product types represent the top level model, these can be business unit divisions, different offices or locations, development teams, or any other logical way of distinguishing “types” of products.


These describe the environment that was tested in a particular Test.

Test Types

These can be any sort of distinguishing characteristic about the type of testing that was done in an Engagement.


Tracking metrics for your Products can help you identify Products that may need additional help, or highlight a particularly effective member of your team.

You can also see the Dashboard view, a page that scrolls automatically, showing off the results of your testing.

This can be useful if you want to display your team’s work in public without showing specific details.


Team Reviewer utilizes the OWASP ASVS Benchmarks to benchmark a product to ensure the product meets your application technical security controls.

Benchmarks can be defined per the organizations policy for secure development and multiple benchmarks can be applied to a product.

OWASP ASVS Benchmarks

Benchmarks are available from the Product view.

In the Benchmarks view for each product, the default level is ASVS Level 1., but can be changed to the desired ASVS level (Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3).

Further, it will display the ASVS score on the product page and this will be applied to reporting.


On the left hand side the ASVS score is displayed with the desired score, the % of benchmarks passed to achieve the score and the total enabled benchmarks for that AVSV level.


Team Reviewer is built using a thin server architecture and an API-first design. API’s are simply at the heart of the platform. Every API is fully documented via Swagger 2.0.

The Swagger UI Console can be used to visualize and explore the wide range of possibilities:

Prior to using the REST APIs, an API Key must be generated. By default, creating a Group (Team) will also create a corresponding API key. A Group (Team) may have multiple keys.

Team Reviewer’API API is created using Django Rest Framework. The documentation of each endpoint is available within each Team Reviewer installation at /api/v2/doc/ and can be accessed by choosing the API v2 Docs link on the user drop down menu in the header.

Each of main Swagger element provides different APIs for:


The API uses header authentication with API key. To interact with the documentation, a valid Authorization header value is needed. If authorized, a user can also create a new API Authorization token.


This API requires an admin-level token to run, and HTTPS connection. It handles users, in term of:


Multiple Users Partial Updates can be done to set more Attributes.


To be used for DAST and IAST.

Currently the following endpoints are available:


Team Reviewer supports the following Tool Interoperability Standards:


Team Reviewer has a native format that can be used to share findings with other systems. The findings contain identical information as presented while auditing, but also include information about the project and the system that created the file. The file type is called Finding Packaging Format (FPF).

FPF’s are json files and have the following sections:






The Finding Packaging Format document version



Describes the Dependency-Track instance that created the file



The project the findings are associated with



An array of zero or more findings


We adopted a unified tool output reporting format, called the SWAMP Common Assessment Results Format (SCARF). This format makes it much easier for a tool results viewer to display the output from a given tool. As a result, we have fostered interoperability
among commercial and open source tools. The SCARF framework includes open source libraries in a variety of languages to produce SCARF and process SCARF. In addition, we have produced open source result parsers that translate the output of all the SCARF-based tools to SCARF. We continue to work towards tool interoperability standards by joining the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) Technical Committee. As a participating member, we contribute to creating a standardized, open source static analysis tool format to be adopted by all static analysis tool developers.

You can use SCARF Framework yourself using the libraries:

Available libraries




reader writer

reader writer


reader writer

reader writer


reader writer

reader writer




We are also compliant to OASIS SARIF (Static Analysis Results Interchange Format). Some SDK are available:


Common Event Format (CEF) and Log Event Extended Format (LEEF) are open standard SysLog formats for log management and interoperabily of security related information from different devices, network appliances and applications.

We use those formats for output-only, to export Team Reviewer correlated results to a number of SIEM tools, like:

They are Logging and Auditing file formats and are extensible, text-based formats designed to support multiple device types by offering the most relevant information.

CEF Field Definitions




An integer that identifies the version of the CEF format. This information is used to determine what the following fields represent.

Example: 0

Device Vendor Device Product Device Version

Strings that uniquely identify the type of sending device. No two products Dec use the same device-vendor and device-product pair, although there is no central authority that manages these pairs. Be sure to assign unique name pairs.

Example: JATP|Cortex|

Signature ID/ Event Class ID

A unique identifier in CEF format that identifies the event-type. This can be a string or an integer. The Event Class ID identifies the type of event reported.

Example (one of these types):

http |email| cnc| submission| exploit| datatheft

Malware Name

A string indicating the malware name.


Severity/Incident Risk Mapping

An integer that reflects the severity of the event. For the Juniper ATP Appliance CEF, the severity value is an incident risk mapping range from 0-10

Example: 9.

External ID

The Juniper ATP Appliance incident number.

Example: externalId=1003

Event ID

The Juniper ATP Appliance Event ID number.

Example: eventId=13405


A collection of key-value pairs; the keys are part of a predefined set. An event can contain any number of key- value pairs in any order, separated by spaces.

Note: Review the definitions for these extension field labels provided in the section: CEF Extension Field Key=Value Pair Definitions.

LEEF also has predefined attributes.


Team Reviewer provides other unique capabilities specifically designed for Software Developers.

Infrastructure Managers

Infrastructure managers bring new technologies into their organizations. Increasingly, this means incorporating open-source software into a networked environment where bugs, defects, or vulnerabilities can create a window of opportunity for unintentional and malicious attacks. Assessing the quality and security of software before it is deployed is a critical step in reducing security risks. Infrastructure managers can use Team Reviewer as an evaluative tool before deploying new technologies or to assess existing software packages for security problems prior to being released.

Since Team Reviewer supports the selection of multiple software analysis tools and simultaneous assessments, infrastructure managers could experience significant time savings. The human cost to conducting software assurance is the effort required to select, acquire, install, configure, maintain, and run these tools on the software prior to deployment. Team Reviewer manages most of these tasks, making it possible for infrastructure managers to simply view the results of software that others assessed in Team Reviewer. Team Reviewer lowers the costs of software assurance, increasing the return on investment.

Team Reviewer offers other incentives for infrastructure operations.

Machine Learning

Rather than doing specific pattern-matching or detonating a file, machine learning, emdedded in Team Reviewer, parses the file and extracts thousands of features. These features are run through a classifier, also called a feature vector, to identify if the file is good or bad based on known identifiers. Rather than looking for something specific, if a feature of the file behaves like any previously assessed cluster of files, the machine will mark that file as part of the cluster. For good machine learning, training sets of good and bad verdicts is required, and adding new data or features will improve the process and reduce false positive rates.

Machine learning compensates for what dynamic and static analysis lack. A sample that is inert, doesn’t detonate, is crippled by a packer, has command and control down, or is not reliable can still be identified as malicious with machine learning. If numerous versions of a given threat have been seen and clustered together, and a sample has features like those in the cluster, the machine will assume the sample belongs to the cluster and mark it as malicious in seconds.

Only Able to Find More of What Is Already Known

Like the other two methods, machine learning should be looked at as a tool with many advantages, but also some disadvantages. Namely, machine learning trains the model based on only known identifiers. Unlike dynamic analysis, machine learning will never find anything truly original or unknown. If it comes across a threat that looks nothing like anything its seen before, the machine will not flag it, as it is only trained to find more of what is already known. 

Layered Techniques in a Platform

To thwart whatever advanced adversaries can throw at you, you need more than one piece of the puzzle. You need layered techniques – a concept that used to be a multi-vendor solution. While defense in depth is still appropriate and relevant, it needs to progress beyond multi-vendor point solutions to a platform that integrates static analysis, dynamic analysis and machine learning. All three working together can actualize defense in depth through layers of integrated solutions.

DISCLAIMER: Due we make use of opensource third-party components, we do not sell the product, but we offer a yearly subscription-based Commercial Support to selected Customers. 

Team Reviewer is based on open source software developed by Aaron Weaver (OWASP Defect Dojo Project)