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Security Reviewer suite provides an Application Performance MonitorMonitoriing solution named Dynamic Reviewer APM.


APM is based on Apache SkyWalking tecnhology and requires maximum 3% of 1 core CPU, and It is offered as a SkyWalking 3rd-party instrument library.

Respect than SkyWalking, it adds a number of languages metrics, new kind of distributed Agents and integration with Security Reviewer Suite. Further SkyWalking original code has been secured after a Static Reviewer analysis.It is offered as a SkyWalking 3rd-party instrument library.

In multi-language, continuously deployed environments, cloud native infrastructures grow more powerful but also more complex. APM’s service mesh receiver allows APM to receive telemetry data from service mesh frameworks such as Istio/Envoy and Linkerd, allowing users to understand the entire distributed system.


In addition, you can integrate

  1. Other distributed tracing using APM/SkyWalking native agents and SDKs with Zipkin, Jaeger and OpenCensus.

  2. Other metrics systems, such as Prometheus, Sleuth(Micrometer), OpenTelemetry.

Tracing, metrics and logging

  • APM is built for consistent observability. Monitor everything happening to your application in browser.


Service Mesh ready

  • Service mesh observability built-in. Collect and analyze data from Istio + Envoy Service Mesh.


  • Probes collect data and reformat them for APM requirements (different probes support different sources).

    Platform backend supports data aggregation, analysis and streaming process covers traces, metrics, and logs.

    Storage houses APM data through an open/plugable interface. You can choose your own existing implementation, such as ElasticSearch, H2, MySQL, TiDB, InfluxDB, or implement your own. Patches for new storage implementors welcome!

    UI is a highly customizable web based interface allowing APM end users to visualize and manage APM data.

Errors and Exceptions

Dynamic Reviewer's APM also automatically collects unhandled errors and exceptions. Errors are grouped based primarily on the stackTrace, so you can identify new errors as they appear and keep an eye on how many times specific errors happen.


Supported Language Metrics

Metrics are another important source of information when debugging production systems. APM agents automatically pick up basic host-level metrics and agent specific metrics, like Node.js, Vue.js, React, Angular, Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, Scala, Kotlin, ClojureC/C++, GO, .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, LUA, Rust.


Lightweight and modular

No big data stack. Adopt to different scale by configuring which modules to include.

Alarms support

Built-in webhooks support for automatically sending out event notifications via HTTP, gRPC, Slack, and more.


  • Threshold. The target value. For multiple values metrics, such as percentile, the threshold is an array. Described like value1, value2, value3, value4, value5. Each value could the threshold for each value of the metrics. Set the value to - if don’t want to trigger alarm by this or some of the values.
    Such as in percentile, value1 is threshold of P50, and -, -, value3, value4, value5 means, there is no threshold for P50 and P75 in percentile alarm rule.

    OP. Operator, support >, >=, <, <=, =. Welcome to contribute all OPs.

    Period. How long should the alarm rule should be checked. This is a time window, which goes with the backend deployment env time.

    Count. In the period window, if the number of values over threshold(by OP), reaches count, alarm should send.

    Only as condition. Specify if the rule can send notification or just as an condition of composite rule.

    Silence period. After alarm is triggered in Time-N, then keep silence in the TN -> TN + period. By default, it is as same as Period, which means in a period, same alarm(same ID in same metrics name) will be trigger once.

Visualization that speaks

Built-in data visualization that gets your team started. Your can further customize it or integrate your own.


Pluggable storage

APM supports a wide range of backend storage solutions, and they are pluggable.


APM agents provide little extra load for target services.


Our tool is listed in Guru99 web site.