Products Versions Life Cycle
The Version Life Cycle covers the following products installed at Customer’s premises:
Each Product is covered by its entire Life Cycle by the Support & Maintenance general agreement and by the Customer contract.
As per standard policy, each Product major version will be maintained for twenty-one (21) months, divided by eighteen (18) months of Support & Maintenance + three (3) months of only Maintenance.
New major versions will already be available during the Support & Maintenance phase of the previous version, to allow a customer to have the time to migrate to the new major version. It is strongly suggested to always update to new versions in order to have the latest products enhancements in terms of features, technologies, security, usability and so on.
As stated above, after the expiration of the Support & Maintenance phase of a version, this will be maintained for other 3 months. This means that that version is no longer sold; Minor updates are no longer released for that major version, then neither new feature, enhancement will be developed nor new vulnerability detection rules will be released; only bug fixing will be released till the end of the Maintenance phase.
At the end of the Maintenance phase of a version, customers that want to continue to use an older version may purchase annual Add-on subscriptions called Extended Support Addon (ESA) to extend limited subscription services beyond the Maintenance Phase.
The below maps provides estimation on current products versions life cycle, when major releases are planned and when their support ends, in order to provide predictability for customers and partners to manage potential changes in their environments. Check with your reseller for updates on Life Cycle roadmaps.
Contact your Reseller for information about software releases of other Security Reviewer products.
To check the last updates on latest versions available of each product, please visit New Features - Enhancements.