SCA Reviewer - Analysis Server Plugin

SCA Reviewer - Analysis Server Plugin

SCA Reviewer - Analysis Server Plugin for Team Reviewer (to be purchased separately) is able to run Software Composition Analyses, directly from Team Reviewer.

You can do:

  • Software Composition Analysis of a Folder, a Container or a GIT Repository containing 3-party libraries

It will discover:

  • Blacklisted Libraries: Versions not admitted inside the organization

  • License Conflict: Licenses that cannot coexist with others

  • Outdated Libraries: Libraries or Frameworks created by a very old, unsupported JDK or .NET Framework version

  • Discontinued Libraries: Libraries or Frameworks abandoned by the Developer's Community

  • Vulnerable Frameworks: Frameworks having at least one vulnerable library

  • Suspicious Licenses: Licenses information that has been manipulated

  • Poor-man Copyright: Self-declared Copyright

  • Vulnerable Libraries: Vulnerable libraries that must be replaced by newer, secure versions

You start a Software Composition Analysis by clicking SCA Analysis in the main Dashboard:

The Software Composition Analysis features are the same of SCA Desktop, but centralized and accessible by any browser:

Once the SCA analysis is terminated you can go to Results page:

You can drill-down the results Details:

You can view the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM):

And you can download Reports in PDF, JSON, Excel and HTML formats:

Additionally, you can have a custom Cover Letter, with your logo, your ISO 9001 Responsibility chain, the Confidentiality Level and your Disclaimer.